October CMP Match Report

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It was a great fall day for shooting. This was our only vintage military CMP match for the year as our April match had to be canceled. We had a good time shooting and six award pins were earned today. Jim and I posted the best scores. Jim had a gold in the first match, and I missed gold by one point in the second. I thought I had it, but when I double checked everything I discovered that I had 2019 cut scores in the computer. Oh well, try harder next time. Click here for the scores and awards. Next month we shoot our WWI match. We encourage WWI era rifles, but you may shoot any rifle normally allowed in our vintage military matches. Hope to see you all out at the range next month.

September Double Header

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Well, it started off drizzly, but turned out great. Even before we started shooting it was nice enough that several of us moved out from under cover to the uncovered firing line. By semi-unanimous decision we chose to shoot both rapid fire strings prone. Jay and Ken shot the best today. Click here for all of the scores.

Thanks to all for coming out to shoot today. As always, thanks for helping with the match chores.

Next month will be a CMP double header match. Hope to see you there.

Vintage Military 2- Gun Match Report

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Once again a cloudy sky helped shelter us from the hot summer sun, without raining on us. We didn't hand out any 100 patches today but several attempts came pretty close. Dick won the first match by 2 Xs and I won the second. Click here for all the scores. In the second match Dick fired a Hungarian M95/34 Carbine. It was a little louder than our M1 Carbines but shot pretty well. Next month we will return to range#2 and fire our regular vintage military double header match.

Vintage Military 3-Gun Report

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We had a good turnout for this year's Vintage Military 3-Gun Match. The heat wasn't too bad for this time of year and the predicted rain held off. What else could you ask for? Dick Bailey took the top spot for both matches. While he had a good lead on the first match, I nearly caught him on the second. Click Here for the scores. Good shooting Dick. Thanks to everyone for coming out and especially thanks to Jim for running the match this year.

We got to shoot with Michael for the first time. We hope you had a good time and will be back again.

Next month is our annual Vintage Military 2-Gun Match (double header). We will shoot 3 positions with a carbine and then a pistol stage in each match. Click here for match information.

June Double Header

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Well, summer is upon us. We had a good day for a match even if a little warm. Our July and August matches will be in the shaded firing line of range #1 so don't let the heat keep you at home. Congratulations to Jim who took both matches today. As a matter of fact everyone placed in the same order both matches. Click here for the match scores.

Next month is our annual vintage military 3-Gun match. Bring 1 Rifle, 1 Carbine length rifle, and 1 vintage military pistol or a modern pistol of the same design. See the match description for more details.

May Double Header

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Finally, after two months of stay at home, we were able to have a match. The weather even gave us a break, with bright if cloudy skies and no rain. After the past week that's saying something. Congratulations to Jim and Dick for putting up the best scores today. Click here for all scores.
Welcome Scott who brought his M1 out to shoot with us today. We hope you had a good time and will come out again.
Thanks to everyone for helping out with the match chores. Next month will be another of our regular vintage military double header matches. Hope to see you all out there.

Winter War match report

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Well, we wanted a "WINTER" war match and mother nature was not slack in providing the required weather. It began in the 20's but thankfully warmed up quite a bit. This was our first mostly Mosin-Nagant based rifle match. These tough hard hitting rifles usually stay in the back of the safe, but got to see the sunshine again today. In the spirit of the match the Finns shot better but were outnumbered. I got the best score in the first match but Jim blistered past us all in the second. Click here for all scores. I know some of you made a long trip to be here and we appreciate your effort. We had a few new faces with us today. Welcome Brian, Eddie, and Justin. Next month we'll be back to our regular vintage military double header but will likely shoot both rapid fire stages prone as we look forward to the CMP Eastern Games.

Thanks everyone for pitching in to make the match easy to run. Thanks especially to Jim who promoted this match and made it fun for us all. I think we'll be doing this again next year.

January Match Report

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Well the 2020 match schedule is underway. A couple of us were getting ready for the Winter War match next month shooting bolt guns. Jim was the best shooter today, posting the top score in both matches. Click here for all of the scores. Thanks to all who came out to shoot. We hope to see a good turnout for the February Winter War match. For match details, click here.

December Match Report

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The Unofficial Swiss match officially ends our match calendar for 2019. It was a great day for shooting. We tweak this match every year to make it more to our liking. But, seeing 30 caliber holes at 300 yds. hasn't gotten any easier. You just have to trust to your zero and be consistent. Jim did that and posted the best score. Click here to see the results.

We are doing some thinking about our 2020 match schedule. If you have any suggestions, send them to me by email. Most of our matches are the result of suggestions by our shooters.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our matches this year. A special thanks to my fellow club members who I've had to lean on even more this past year. Jim, Jay, Tim, Dick, Tom you guys are the best. Whether keeping our gear organized, scoring, setting targets, or helping someone get a good zero, you guys always pitch in. Have a happy new year and we'll see you back in January.

November Match Report

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We had a good turnout for our WWI match in spite of the poor weather report. There was a bit of drizzle as we got into the second match. But, we still had a good time and spirits weren't dampened even though the targets were. Congratulations to Jim who posted the high score in both matches today, including a nice 100-5X in the first match. Check out the picture. Not bad for a WWI era M1917 rifle. Click Here for all of the scores.

We had several shooters come from out of state today. Welcome guys, we hope it was worth the trip and you'll come back and shoot with us again.