CMP Double Header Match Report

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The weather was great as predicted. We had more than half of the shooters earn CMP award pins this match. No gold this time, but there's always next year... Click here for the scores and awards.

Our November match will be our WWI bolt-action match. WWI era rifles such as M1903, SMLE, M1917, P14, M1891, etc. are preferred but not required. Any bolt action vintage military rifle will do, and even semi autos that meet our vintage rifle requirements are OK if that's what you have.

Click Here for more info on the WWI match.

Vintage Military Match Report

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Ahhh. It is nice to be out on a cool fall morning and shoot guns. I don't know what the rest of you were doing but a few of us had a great day at the range. Jim had the most fun, winning both matches. I had to sit out the second match due to my loads being warmer than expected. But we all had fun. We missed Jay and Tim who are both on the DL. Click here for the scores. Next month will be a CMP double header so more modern guns will be allowed in the match. Click here for more details.

Vintage Military 2-Gun Report

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It was a good day to be shooting in the shade and only making 100 yd round trips to score. We had the fans running though and had no casualties. My daughter recently suggested that whoever has the most fun...Wins! Well fun is what we've always been about with our matches. So, Jim really had fun when he saw he beat me on the first match by an X. Then Tim edged out Jim by X's in the second match. Ed's M1 carbine had a malfunction yesterday and so he shot an M44 today, that is definitely some loud fun. And, both Tim and Ed barely missed shooting a 100, and that is fun too. So who really won??? Click here for the scores..

Vintage Military Match Report

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Our annual vintage military 3-gun match was a lot of fun today. It was a little warm but not bad. Shooting in the shade and short walks to the targets helped a lot. I did well today in spite of a couple of feed issues on my trusty M1 Carbine. Click here for the scores. If you missed out, plan to come out next month for our vintage military 2-gun match. We'll be shooting in the shade again with even shorter walks. Click here for details.

Welcome to David and welcome back to Tom. You guys had some issues today, but hopefully, it was still fun and we'll see you next month.

Thanks everyone for pitching in with the match chores. You really make it easy to run these matches.

Vintage Military Match Report

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A great day for shooting even if a little humid. We had a couple of sprinkles but not enough to even soak the targets. Jay and Tom put up the best scores today. Congratulations guys. Click here for all of the scores.

Remember that next month we'll be shooting in the shade on range#1 for our annual vintage military 3-gun match. Click here for match info.

Thanks everyone for coming out and shooting today and thanks for pitching in with the match chores.

Vintage Military Match Report

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We had a great day for a match. It did get a little warm but some shot in the shade and we had some fans to stay cooler. We fired a combination vintage rifle and carbine match today. It wasn't planned, but we are always willing to accommodate carbines at 100 yd targets. Jim Popp shot the best in both rifle matches and collected another 100 patch for his efforts. Tim was the only carbine shooter and shot well compared to CMP scoring. Click here for all of the scores.

CMP Match Report

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Saturday we had our first CMP GSMM matches for the year. With the CMP Eastern Games scheduled for next month at Camp Butner, this was a warm-up match for many of us. And, boy was it warm! I suppose our bodies were still in hibernation mode and the heat was a bit of a shock. Nevertheless we were able to award CMP pins to almost half of the shooters. Congratulations to Jim and Ken for posting the best scores. Click here for the scores and awards. Next month, we are planning to be at the CMP matches and won't have a local match. I'll send out a notice if I hear differently.

Thanks to everyone who came out to shoot and help with the match chores.

Winter War match report

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The winter went easy on us today. Moving the targets to 200 yds. sped things up a bit and once in awhile you could scope your bullet holes too. We had good representative rifles for the 1939 Winter War match although one rogue US GI slipped in to help out the Finns and won the first match. But, not to give in too easily, I won the second with my M96. Click here for all of the scores.

Remember, we are shooting our first CMP GSMM match next month. Hopefully, we'll be at Camp Butner for the April match date. Thanks to all who came out to shoot and for helping out with the match chores. Hope to see you next month.

January Double Header Report

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We started our 2021 match schedule today with a bit of a nip in the air. Nevertheless, we had a good day to shoot and it did warm up. Jay and I posted the best scores for the day. Click Here for all of the scores. Next month we will be shooting our "Winter War" match. It is fired to remember the 3-1/2 month war fought between Finland and Russia in 1939. We are encouraging period rifles, but you may shoot any rifle allowed in our regular vintage matches. Click here for more details.

Thanks to you who braved the cold and the pandemic to shoot this month and hope you'll be back out in February...

December Match Report (delayed report)

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Well, that's it for 2020. Another good year for our matches, if a little screwed up for life in general. Hopefully COVID 19 will soon go the way of the other serious public health problems we've had through the years and 2021 will be a better year. We had 6 shooters today and finally found a way to have a Swiss double header. Unfortunately, some of us didn't plan on it. I managed to edge out the competition today. Click Here for the scores. I would like to thank everyone for their help and support throughout the last year. You guys always pitch in and make these matches easy to run. I want to especially thank Jim and Jay, who show up every match and share the load with me. If any of you have any suggestions for our 2021 match schedule, please reply with your suggestions. Many of our current matches are the result of our shooter's ideas. More pistol? more carbine? whatever. We only do this to have fun.

Thanks again, and Happy New Year...