There we were, hunkered down in the trench trying to stay warm when over the far end of the field we saw them coming over a low rise about 200 yards out.
At first we saw just the tops of their helmets so we held fire. Then when they were visible from the waist up, we let them have it. Seriously though, trench warfare was scary to imagine, let alone experience. The guys brought a good batch of WWI era rifles today to shoot the match and we had fun shooting the silhouettes. The low scores are due in part to the tiny 10 ring on those B27s. Congratulations to Jay and David for putting up the best fight today. Click here for the scores.
We won't have a match in December but will shoot a regular vintage military match in January.
Thanks to everyone who came out to shoot this year.
I want to especially thank my fellow club members who pitch in every month to make these matches happen. JIm and Jay are always on hand to make things work smoothly, thanks guys!!!