CMP Match Report

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A great fall day for shooting. We only get a few of these each year, so it was really nice. We had six bronze awards and one silver. Tim fired a 281-11X and a 282-7X, both impressive scores. But, those are bronze award levels in the Modern-Military Unlimited class, it is a tough one. Click here for all awards and scores.

In November, we'll be shooting our WWI memorial match to mark the end of that war. This is a fun match with bolt action rifles and a different target than we are used to. Click here for the info.

Thanks to all for coming out to shoot, and thanks to my fellow club members who always pitch in to make these matches run smoothly.

September Match Report

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We had a great early fall day for a match. The sun was nice and bright and in spite of the rain we've had recently there were no puddles. I've missed a couple of matches lately, so I really appreciate everyone letting me win today.. Click here for the results. In October we'll be shooting our fall CMP double Header. The rifle categories are expanded to include more modern military rifles. Click here for the match information.

Hope to see you there.

June Match Report

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As promised it was another hot one. We had a breeze today though and it wasn't bad at all. Maybe we're just adjusting to the summertime temps. We had five to shoot today. Click here for the scores. Next month we'll be shooting at range #1 in the shade and at shorter distances. Click here for our vintage military 3-gun match details.

Thanks to all for braving the heat to come out and shoot. Also thanks again to my fellow club members who help out with this match consistently.

After the match today, Jim, Jay , and I shot the 300 yard bench match target to see how it would be. Shooting from the bench, even in today's heat wasn't bad at all. We're evaluating the idea of adding this to our matches and will keep you informed.

May Match Report

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Well, it was a hot one. Those of us who weren't smart enough to shoot under the shade soon saw the wisdom and relocated. We had only a few shooters today as some of our regulars were out of commission or otherwise occupied. We still had a good time shooting. Click here for the scores.

Next month will be another vintage military double header so plan ahead and come on out.

I'm looking into adding a vintage military bench match to run alongside our regular matches. It will be similar to the CMP VMR Benchrest matches. See the CMP Games rulebook section 4.6.6 and other sections that are referenced there. Right Click here and select open in new tab for CMP rulebook.

March Match Report

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Well, once again we dodged the rain.  We saw only a slight sprinkle that didn't even wet the targets and had a nice day for a match. Jim and I posted the best scores today.  Click here for the results.

Remember, we will not have a match at our range in April.  That is the same weekend as the CMP Eastern Games at Camp Butner which several of us attend.

We will be back in May for our regular vintage military double header.

February Match Report

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As predicted, a really great day to be at the range. We had 7 shooters with Swedish, Finnish, and US rifles. Tim and I put up the best scores today. Click here for all of the scores. Next month we will shoot our regular vintage military double header. Hope to see you there.

January VM Match report

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We had great weather for our first match of the year. In spite of a cold wet forecast, we had a great day. Click here for the match scores. Congratulations to Tim for posting the best scores. We are planning to shoot the same match schedule this year. The different matches we shoot are all the result of shooter's ideas. So if you have a suggestion don't keep it to yourself. We are always open to positive input from our shooters.
Our next match will be our Winter War match. Click here for details.