Match Reports

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Swiss Rifle Match Report

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Our Unofficial Swiss Rifle Match marks the end of our 17th year of vintage military rifle matches at CCRPC. There was a good showing for this pre-Christmas match. Thanks to all who came out to shoot. David posted a really good match shooting an iron sighted bolt-action. It wasn't Swiss, but close, it was Finnish. Click here for the scores.

Thanks to Jim for running this match as I was away.

I want to thank everyone who came out to shoot in our 2023 matches and hope you'll plan to join us again next year.

Thanks to my fellow club members, especially Jim and Jay who faithfully show up each month and share the match chores.

WWI Match Report

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Our annual WWI match went well. Weather was good and we had a good representation of WWI rifles. We had US, British, Canadian, and not quite Russian (Finnish M39) infantry weapons. The silhouette targets have a very small 10 ring which shows in the scores. Jim and David posted the best scores this year. Click here for all of the scores.

Next month we are shooting our annual un-official Swiss rifle match a couple of days before Christmas. So if you need a break from stressful last minute shopping, we'll be at the range relaxing... Click here for match details.

CMP Double Header

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It was a great fall day for our CMP double header. It was nice to be back out on the range for a match. jim and I put up the best scores today. Click here for the scores and awards.

September Match Cancelled due to weather.

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September match cancelled due to monsoon.

See you next week for rimfire sporter or next month for the vintage military rifle match

VM Match Report

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We shot our annual vintage military 3-Gun match under the shade Saturday. It wasn't too hot but the shade was still welcome. We had a good mix of firearms. M1 Garands, Springfields, and Enfields for rifles. M1 carbines, an Enfield jungle carbine, and a Winchester 1873 for the carbines. 1911A1s, M1917s and Webleys for handguns. Jim brought out typewriters. All three of his firearms were manufactured by typewriter companies during the war. James and I put up the best scores this time. Click here for the scores.

We'll be under the shade on range #1 again next month for our vintage military 2-gun match. Click here for details.

VM Match Report

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With all of the rain lately it was great to have a bright dry day for a match. Other than the humidity feeling like 200% we couldn't have asked for better summertime conditions. We had a few glitches as these venerable old rifles are prone to but always have a good time shooting. I managed to post the best scores today. Click here for the results.

Next month we begin our heat of the summer matches by shooting our annual vintage military 3-gun match under the shade on range #1. Click here for the match details.

See you at the range..

CMP Double Header

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We had a pretty thin showing for this match. I'm sure the almost guaranteed rain forecast had a little to do with it. But, Jim ran the match so efficiently that the match was over and the targets only got a little damp before the rain really started. Jay and Ed traded off the top spot for these matches. Click here for the results.

Thanks Jim for running the match.

Many of us are heading up to Camp Butner to shoot at the Eastern Games this weekend so wish us luck and dry weather.

VM Match Report

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I missed this match due to being under the weather and CRS disease. Thanks to all who came out to shoot and especially to Jim for stepping in with zero notice and running the match. Jim also put up the best scores. Click here for the match results. Next month we will shoot our CMP Double header on the 4th Saturday as usual and then pack up to go shoot at the CMP Eastern Games at Camp Butner the next weekend.

Winter War Match Report

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It was chilly enough to qualify as a Winter War match but not bad at all. No where near like the Finns and Russians experienced I'm sure. The wet stuff held off and we had a nice day for a match. Congratulations to Jim and Jay for posting the best scores today. Click here for the scores. Thanks to all who came out to shoot and help with the match chores.

Next month we will shoot our regular vintage rifle match as we begin the warmup matches for the CMP Eastern Games.

January Match Report

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This year's matches are off and running with a great day for shooting. As expected it was a little chilly, but the sky was clear and the sun nice and bright so it really didn't seem cold at all. Congratulations to Ken and Jim for putting up today's top scores. Click here for match results.

We are updating our allowed rifles rule this year. When we began these matches we set a date of 1954 as the last year we would allow rifles to have been placed in service for our regular matches. Well, that was 15 years ago and so we are moving forward 15 years. Our new date for allowed rifles is now 1969. This new date allows more modern rifles such as the M1A and AR platforms as well as many foreign rifles as long as they meet our general rules. Rifle configuration must be similar to that issued to regular infantry troops for those time periods. In general this means iron sights, standard barrel and stock configuration and accurization only by careful selection of standard parts. Exceptions may be made on a case by case basis at the match director's discretion. So if you have a rifle that has been neglected due to being "too modern," bring it on out and join the fun.