With our unofficial Swiss Rifle match we finish our 17th year of vintage military rifle matches at CCRPC. It really doesn't seem to have been that long. Mostly because of the great bunch of guys in our club who always make the matches easy to run. We have a couple of regulars I want to thank specifically; many thanks to Jim Popp and Jay Ferguson who have been with me since the start. These guys are nearly always there to help with running the match as well as providing input on every other aspect of holding these matches.
We will be posting our 2025 match schedule soon. The January match will be one of our regular vintage military double headers, but the remainder of the schedule is still being decided.
We had fun with the Swiss match and about half of us met the Swiss requirement in the Obligatorisch for our age group. Click here for the results. Since we are unofficial we allow any of our vintage military rifles to be fired. In the official matches the Swiss can shoot Sturmgewehr 57 and 90 which are modern select fire as well as their older rifles such as the Model 96/11, K11, K31. There may be others but since I can't read the official documents, that's all I can offer.
Have a happy new year!!!