Match Rules
Crosse Creek Rifle and Pistol Club is affiliated with the Civilian
Marksmanship Program.
A copy of the CMP rulebook can be downloaded here: (~500 KB File)
of our matches will be officially sanctioned CMP matches, while other
will be unique to our club. The
Match Director is the final authority in all matters during the match.
NRA Safe Gun Handling rules apply at all times.
- Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
- Always keep your finger off of the trigger until ready to shoot.
- Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.
following additional Safety rules apply at all Crosse Creek Rifle and
Pistol Club
Vintage Military Matches.
- Listen carefully to and comply with directions of the Range
- The range is declared either "HOT" or "COLD" at all times by the
Range Officer. If in doubt, ASK!
- Guns must be unloaded with Empty Chamber Indicators (ECI)inserted
into the chamber at all times unless on the firing line during the
preparation period just prior to a live fire stage or during a live
fire stage.
- Guns on the firing line must be pointed downrange at all times.
- Guns behind the firing line must be unloaded and either cased or
have an ECI inserted into the chamber and be pointed in a safe
- Upon hearing the command "CEASE FIRE" given by any person all
shooters shall immediately move fingers away from triggers and listen
for further directions from the Range Officer.
When the range is COLD:
- ALL guns must be unloaded and if uncased must have an ECI
inserted into
the chamber.
- Shooters may go downrange.
- Guns on the firing line may not be handled in any way.
- Guns may not be carried to or from the firing line.
When the range is HOT:
- No person shall go downrange of the firing line.
- Guns may be carried to or from the firing line either cased or
with an ECI inserted into the chamber and the
muzzle pointed in a safe direction.
- Guns may be loaded and fired only under direction of the Range