July Match Report

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Our third match of the year completed. Weather was great. Jim has the format dialed in to move smoothly and we were finished before it even got that warm. Six CMP awards were earned today. Click here for the scores and awards. Our next match will be October so plan ahead.

May Match Report

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Another great match in the record book. Weather was good, just a little breeze now and again to wait out. Congratulations to Robin and Jack who shot some Gold-worthy scores. Click here for all of the scores and awards. It was good to see Stacy and Amber back again, thanks for making the trip.

Our next match will be in July. Hope to see you all then.

January Match Report

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It was a cold one today. Which may explain why only a few brave(???) souls showed up. With the temperature in the 20's we were pretty eager to get it done quickly. Jim moved the matches along smartly and we were done well before noon. Click here for the frosty results. Our next match will be May 29th. We hope to see you all there.

October Match Report

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Last weekend was a wrap for the CMP Rimfire Sporter matches in 2020. We awarded quite a few CMP pins. All treats, no tricks. Click here for the scores and awards. Don't get too comfortable just yet though. We will be back on the range to start the 2021 match schedule in January. Check the Match calendar for next year's dates.

August Match Report

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We had another fine day for shooting rimfire. Alternating sun and clouds just to keep us on our toes. We awarded one bronze and three silver pins in the first match with eleven shooters. In the second match with nine shooters we awarded one gold, three silver and two bronze pins. Click here for all of the scores. Our next match will be October 31st...yep Halloween. Don't worry, you'll be home in time to go trick or treating.

May Match Report

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It turned out to be a nice day for shooting. The ground was a bit soggy, but we didn't get the rain that the forecast was promising. We made a change to the match flow which smoothed out and sped things up. Each shooter had 6 targets posted and so fired each match completely before scoring. Click here for the scores and awards.. Our next match will be August 29. Hope to see you then.

Leap Day Match Report

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Well, we leaped into the 2020 CMP Rimfire Sporter schedule with some pretty good overall results. We had a couple of crossfires which hurt some scores, but in the second match everyone shot well enough to meet the CMP award cut-scores. The CMP Scores are based on last years' National Competitors. A bronze award is earned when you score higher than 60% of shooters. A silver award is earned when you score higher than 87%. A Gold award is earned when you score higher than 93% of all National CMP Rimfire Sporter competitors last year. Good shooting everyone. Thanks for the help with the match and plan to shoot with us again on May 30th. Click Here for the scores and awards.

November Match Report

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This was the last CMP Rimfire match for 2019. It was a good match to finish the year with too! Everyone shot well enough to earn a CMP award pin in at least one of the two matches. Click here for the scores and awards.

Welcome Gillian. We hope you had fun and will make the trip again.

Our next CMP Rimfire match will be February 29, 2020. So plan to leap over and shoot with us...

August Match Report

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The August match turned out to be ladies day at the range. At least it seemed that way to us guys that were getting beat. We had two young ladies who each won their classes in the first match and then placed first and second in the same class for the second match. Congratulations to Brenna and Sarah. Click here for the scores and awards. Our next match will be in November, so put it on your calendar and (guys) get some practice in!!

Note: Due to a new rule on crossfires, the T-class scores were adjusted which rearranged the 3rd and 4th places in the first match.

June 2019 Match Report

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We had a good CMP Rimfire Sporter match this past weekend. The weather was good and the firing line was pretty full.

The high score of the day was shot by Sarah Guffey with a 570-11x in the T-class. The next high score was Jay Ferguson with a 569-12x in the O-class. Click here for all of the scores and awards.

Scroll down to the second page for the CMP awards. The Awards are presented based on the shooter's score compared to nationwide results. Click here for the 2019 awards cut scores.

The next match is right around the corner on August 31. Hope to see you all then.